some unnatural things

some unnatural things

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The 14 planes of existence in the Universe

There are 14 main planes of existence in the Universe. Seven of them are positive planes of existence and seven are negative planes of existence. The seven negative planes of existence are commonly known as Hell (Paataal). There are numerous sub-planes within these main planes of existence.

Definition of Dharma (Righteousness)Seven positive planes of existence: The planes of existence occupied mostly by living persons and subtle bodies doing righteous deeds and engaged in spiritual practice according to the positive path of spiritual practice are known as the seven positive planes of existence or saptaloka. By positive path, we mean the orientation of spiritual practice is towards God-realisation, which is the ultimate in spiritual growth.

The Earth plane is the only physical plane of existence in the Universe and is also the first plane of existence in the hierarchy of the positive planes of existence in the Universe.

Seven Negative planes of existence: These are planes of existence occupied mostly by subtle bodies that have done unrighteous deeds and are engaged in spiritual practice according to the negative path. By negative path, we mean the orientation of spiritual practice is towards attaining spiritual power, e.g. supernatural powers. This spiritual power is primarily used to enhance one’s control over others or for negative purposes. Thus all subtle bodies that go to any one of the planes of existence of Hell, by virtue of their evil intentions become ghosts.

Refer to the article on, ‘What is a ghost’?

Sub planes of existence of Hell (Narak): Every plane of existence of Hell (Paataal) has a sub-plane known as Narak. For example, the first plane of existence of Hell will have within it a sub-plane that is known as the first Narak. Narak is reserved for the worst ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) in Hell. The ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) occupying the first Narak face more severe punishment and for a longer duration than those occupying the first plane of existence of Hell.

The Spinning Spirit

A few years ago, while lying in bed at night, I woke up and saw a girl (probably about 18 years old or so) standing in front of the door looking at me. She was somewhat startled that I saw her; apparently, she didn't expect me to see her. Folder her arms, she said, "Oh, I'm just here looking for something. Go back to sleep."

I thought she was someone who came in from outside, but how could that be when all the doors and windows were locked. She was barefoot and wore a white, short-sleeved gown that went down to her ankles and had snowflake patterns on the center area. She was standing in front of my bedroom door and was probably a few feet away from me. She looked real enough. When she told me to go back to sleep, I saw her lips move, but heard the voice in my head, if that makes any sense. She had pitch black hair in a ponytail fashion and very white skin. The pupils of her eyes had a strange orange-like color.

She reminded me of someone I saw when I was nine years old (I was 21 at the time of the above encounter) after coming home from school. I went to my room I saw this girl, much older than I (probably about 18), spinning around in front of me while I was sitting on the bed. While she was spinning, some gold dust came off of her, and it gave me a feeling of contentment and happiness. I wonder if this was the same person. I wonder who she is

The Widow's Ghost

I smiled back at her, then turned my attention back to the TV where Elvis was just starting to sing a song. That's when it hit me: the lady that smiled so sweetly was not only a stranger, but was transparent! I could see the dining room table and the window right through her. It reminded me of seeing your reflection in the glass of darkened window. I say "standing," but she really didn't have legs from the top of her thighs down. She seemed to be a swirl of smoke, but I could see her face and upper body clearly. When what I'd seen registered with me, I quickly turned my head to look again... but she was gone.
I didn't tell my parents what I saw that night until years later. Mom told me how my sister would say how a lady in a long dress would pull the blanket up over us at night. I often wonder why my sister, the original "Nervous Nelly," never said a word to me about it. Was the lady that made me feel so warm and fuzzy that night one of the elderly widows? – Brenda S.