some unnatural things

some unnatural things

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


KOLKATA: Sukumar Das, the inspector-in-charge of Khardah police station, got the shock of his life when he picked up the phone on Monday afternoon. The agitated voice at the other end pleaded with the inspector to rush to his aid as soon as possible. Was it a thief? A local tough? A fraudster? No. Ratan Das, the caller, was complaining of ghost attacks in his house.

Das said strange things were happening in his house at Midland Place in the Rahara area over the past fortnight. Often, family members saw household items toppling out of shelves. "One day, the door of our refrigerator suddenly developed cracks and fell off. We also saw flower vases trembling and falling on the floor without anyone even getting near them," complained Das, a clerk at Barrackpore court.

If that was scary enough, worse things were reserved for the family. A few days ago, Das' daughter Rima, who will sit for Madhyamik next year, was reportedly pushed hard from behind and she fell on the floor. But there was no one standing behind her. "My books were also set on fire last week," said the frightened girl.

But the last straw was when the Dases noticed on Monday morning that a corner of the bed had caught fire and the almirah doors had swung open. All the clothes inside shirts, sarees and other garments had been cut up in different sizes. Das called up the police in a few hours.

"My family and I are under tremendous mental trauma. The ghostly happenings are posing a threat to our lives. My wife and daughter are so upset that they want to leave the house right now. Please come and help me," Das said.

The Khardah inspector went to the house with his team. News of the ghost attacks had spread like wildfire in the area and curious neighbours had gathered there to see what was going on.

Some local social activists, who heard of the incident, also arrived at the house to find out what was happening. They found the house in a mess, with the mattress on the bed half-burnt.

Police suspect that some neighbours may be behind the mischief. "We are trying to give the family moral support and probing who is causing trouble," said an officer.


This happened to me last year. I can't explain it and it still bothers me. It's not really much of a story, but when I came across this website I decided to send it in. It was July, and I was living in Clovis, California. On this particular day, I was doing some repair work on a house outside of town in the country. My older brother had dropped me off earlier and said he'd return later on to pick me up after he took care of some business in town. The day was hot, the temperature was 98 degrees.

Well I finished around 12 o'clock and waited for my brother. Two hours passed and I was still waiting. I was thinking he forgot about me; it's happened before. I couldn't wait any longer, so I started walking the long way back to town. Clovis was about four miles away. When I finally reached my neighborhood, I was mad and tired. My house was several blocks away.

I walked past a friend's house that was across the street. He and his wife turned and waved to me smiling. I waved back. But their smiles were replaced with a confused look on their faces. I kept walking. Another acquaintance was driving down the street toward me and he waved. As he went past me he slowed down and he, too, had a weird expression on his face. I waved back, but wondered what's with the look?

My house was just around the corner. There were some kids playing outside the neighbor's home and they stopped what they were doing when they saw me. I know these kids and they know me, but they had a scared look on their faces. I came to the front gate of my house and my own dog, Ceasar, was barking at me! I called him and reached out to him. He growled, showed his teeth, backed away and ran! I was confused and scared. I actually thought, am I in the Twilight Zone or what?

I looked toward the house and there was my brother looking out the living room window at me with that same strange surprise look on his face! What's going on here? My brother slowly opened the front door, walked out, and before I could ask him what was wrong, he looked at me then behind me. He looked toward the street. I was mad and upset! I asked him what he was doing. He asked me, "Where'd that weird person go to?" I said, "What person?"

What he told me next I didn't know what to think. He said there was a strange-looking man walking beside me! He was dressed in a dark suit wearing a black hat. He had blond hair, pale skin and was scary looking. According to my brother, the unsettling part of his appearance was his smile that was full of teeth and two enormous lifeless eyes! I was more scared now. That explains the reactions from my friends, neighbors and my dog. I didn't see anyone beside me at all.

My brother explained why he didn't return to pick me up: the car broke down. He thought this strange person gave me a ride. I don't know who this person was or why I couldn't see him when everybody else could. I tell you, it still bothers me. Especially when I'm alone

The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall

This famous ghost picture was apparently taken in 1936 by Indra Shira during a photo shoot for Country Life magazine. According to Indra, he saw an apparition coming down the stairs and so he told his assistant to a photograph the staircase. His assistant did not see the white apparition and bet Shira that nothing would be in the picture. Once the photograph was developed, he lost five English pounds as a result of the bet.

This photograph has been seen worldwide and is known as the Brown Lady of Raynham Hall. The home where this picture was taken is Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England. Legend tells that King George the IV of England and others had seen a ghost called the Brown Lady before this photo was taken. This 1936 photo is reportedly the last sighting of the Brown Lady.


In the village of Hammer near Czernikowo many years ago there lived a young married couple. The wife loved to eat liver and could not live if she didn't eat a liver every day. One day she sent her husband once again to town to fetch a liver. However, in Czernikowo the husband met a group of young merrymakers and went with them to a tavern, where he drank away all his money.

Sad, and without the liver, he made his way homeward. It was late. On his way he had to go through a great forest. Here he met a hunter, who asked him why he was so sad. The man told him everything, upon which the hunter said, "In the middle of the forest there is a clearing with a gallows, upon which a number of dead bodies are hanging. Take one of them down, cut out his liver, and give it to your wife. Tell her it is beef liver."

The man did just that.

When he arrived home his wife was at first angry because he had been away so long, but she calmed down as soon as she saw the liver, and began frying it. The man lay down and went to sleep.

Suddenly a white figure appeared at the window, and it cried into the room, "Everyone is asleep. The dogs are keeping watch in the yard. And you are standing there frying my liver."

The man was terrified, and in his fear he cried out to his wife that she should come to bed. But the wife wanted first to dip a little piece of bread into the gravy and taste it.

Meanwhile, the phantom, a white skeleton, had already entered the house, always calling out the same words again and again.

The woman was not afraid, but asked the ghost, "Now, my little fellow, what happened to your flesh?"

The ghost replied, "The ravens ate it, and the wind blew it away."

Then the woman asked, "Now, my little fellow, what happened to your eyes and ears?"

And the ghost answered, "The ravens ate them, and the wind blew them away."

The woman asked, "Now, my little fellow, what happened to your liver?"

Then the ghost cried out, "You have it!" And with that he seized the woman and strangled her to death.


A certain boy and girl, whose names this tale telleth not, once lived near a church. The boy being mischievously inclined, was in the habit of trying to frighten the girl in a variety of ways, till she became at last so accustomed to his tricks, that she ceased to care for anything whatever, putting down everything strange that she saw and heard to the boy's mischief.

One washing-day, the girl was sent by her mother to fetch home the linen, which had been spread to dry in the churchyard. When she had nearly filled her basket, she happened to look up, and saw sitting on a tomb near her a figure dressed in white from head to foot, but was not the least alarmed, believing it to be the boy playing her, as usual, a trick. So she ran up to it, and pulling its cap off said, "You shall not frighten me, this time."

Then when she had finished collecting the linen she went home. But, to her astonishment -- for he could not have reached home before her without her seeing him -- the boy was the first person who greeted her on her arrival at the cottage.

Among the linen, too, when it was sorted, was found a moldy white cap, which appeared to be nobody's property, and which was half full of earth.

The next morning the ghost (for it was a ghost that the girl had seen) was found sitting with no cap upon its head, upon the same tombstone as the evening before. And as nobody had the courage to address it, or knew in the least how to get rid of it, they sent into the neighboring village for advice.

An old man declared that the only way to avoid some general calamity, was for the little girl to replace on the ghost's head the cap she had seized from it, in the presence of many people, all of whom were to be perfectly silent. So a crowd collected in the churchyard, and the little girl, going forward, half afraid, with the cap, placed it upon the ghost's head, saying, "Are you satisfied now?"

But the ghost, raising its hand, gave her a fearful blow, and said, "Yes, but are you now satisfied?"

The little girl fell down dead, and at the same instant the ghost sank into the grave upon which it had been sitting, and was no more seen.

Monday, June 28, 2010

a true story of kolkata national library

Located at Belvedere Road, it is known for its rare collection of books. But the residence of the former Lieutenant Governor of Bengal has a more eerie side to it.
"The footsteps of the Governor’s wife can still be heard," said a student, who goes to study there.
The posts of the night guards also keep changing. Most of them do not want to be put on the night shift. "They have seen apparitions," said a taxi driver.
The guards did not want to talk about their experiences as they feared they would lose their jobs.
The new building at the library has another story to tell. At the time of its construction, some of the workers met with an accident and died on spot. It is now believed that their spirits linger on. Two eyewitnesses told that they have seen black images fading in front of their eyes. Both fell sick four days later.
Staff members at the library deny that it is haunted.


Fortean researcher Ivan Sanderson suspected that the strange sea and sky phenomena, mechanical and instrument malfunctions, and mysterious disappearances were the result of what he called "vile vortices" where, he said, "tremendous hot and cold currents crossing the most active zones might create the electromagnetic gymnastics affecting instruments and vehicles." And the Bermuda Triangle wasn't the only place on earth where this occurred. Sanderson drew out elaborate charts on which he identified 10 such locations precisely distributed around the globe, five above, and five below at equal distances from the equator.
his theory, proposed by the Coast Guard over 30 years ago, states: "The majority of disappearances can be attributed to the area's unique environmental features. First, the "Devil's Triangle" is one of the two places on earth that a magnetic compass does point towards true north. Normally it points toward magnetic north. The difference between the two is known as compass variation. The amount of variation changes by as much as 20 degrees as one circumnavigates the earth. If this compass variation or error is not compensated for, a navigator could find himself far off course and in deep trouble."
It's been suggested that from time to time a rift in space-time opens up in the Bermuda Triangle, and that planes and ships that are unlucky enough to be traveling the area at this time are lost in it. That is why, it is said, that often utterly no trace of the craft - not even wreckage - are ever found. But where do they disappear to? Another time and place? Another dimension? The physics for how this would actually take place are fuzzy at best. However, consider the following related idea for "electronic fog."


Is an "electronic fog" responsible for many of the unexplained incidents and disappearances in the infamous Bermuda Triangle? That is the assertion made by Rob MacGregor and Bruce Gernon in their book The Fog. Gernon himself is a first-hand witness and survivor of this strange phenomenon. On December 4, 1970, he and his dad were flying their Bonanza A36 over the Bahamas. On route to Bimini they encountered strange cloud phenomena - a tunnel-shaped vortex - the sides of which the plane's wings scraped as they flew. All of the plane's electronic and magnetic navigational instruments malfunctioned and the magnetic compass spun inexplicably. As they neared the end of the tunnel, they expected to see clear blue sky. Instead, they saw only a dull grayish white for miles - no ocean, sky or horizon. After flying for 34 minutes, a time corroborated by every clock on board, they found themselves over Miami Beach - a flight that normally would have taken 75 minutes. MacGregor and Gernon believe that this electronic fog that Gernon experienced may have also been responsible for the famous disappearance of Flight 19, and other vanishing aircraft and ships.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


I am 19 now and it’s been six years now that my imaginary friend talks to me. I don’t know if she’s real or not but I’ve got a distinct feeling she’s an old woman. She follows me everywhere. How do I know? I can sort of feel another presence with me even when my friends aren’t around, she’s there with me. Walking beside me and for some reason I have the tendency to turn my head to look in just one direction even when I’m with my parents, she seems to be offering suggestions and her opinions.

I named her Kanna and she always suggests things to me as if she’s coaching me. She’s been around since I was thirteen. I don’t know if it’s just my imagination or if I’m just panicky, but I feel something watching me at night which makes it hard for me to sleep sometimes and to support this tale a bit, my family…


When I was around 13 or 14, we rented a five-bedder house in Australia. I shared a room with my sis. Our room door was directly facing another room door, but no one used that particular room, because the owner had stashed several cupboards in there and we all felt that that room was rather creepy. My sis sleeps in the coffin position (feet pointing towards the room door) and I sleep parallel to her on the other side of the room.

One night, after waking up suddenly from sleep, I rolled over to my right side and looked at my sis. While doing so, something on the ground caught my attention. I looked to the ground next to where my sister was sleeping, and what I saw made my skin crawl. It was a woman wearing a white shirt and a white skirt lying on the ground in the opposite direction as my sis (its head was toward the room door, and its body toward the wall). Thinking it was just a dream, I rubbed my eyes and bobbed my head up to get a closer look. Lo and behold, it was still lying there.

This woman did not have arms or legs, and where the eyes should've been, there were just two very large, sunken black holes that covered almost half her face. The creepiest thing was, she had her head turned in such a position that she was staring directly at me! After this realisation, I froze and wanted to scream, but nothing came out. Stumped out of my wits, I then put my head back down on my pillow gently, gathered my blankets over my head, pretended it wasn't watching me, and stayed in bed shaking like a madman. To be doubly sure, I decided to take a another peek by shifting my blanket little by little. When I saw a corner of her white dress, still lying in the same position, that confirmed it for me.

At this moment, I think I passed out, because the next thing I remember, it was morning. I was eating breakfast that morning when it hit me about my encounter the night before. I dropped my spoon and ran to tell everyone in the house. They then got monks into the house to "cleanse" the room, but nevertheless, neither my sis nor I agreed to venture into that room ever again. So for the next couple of months until we moved out, we all slept in my parents' room. Nine years on, I still don't know what I saw that night. I've heard of people seeing ghosts, but aren't they usually standing, sitting or sliding across, not sleeping on the ground? Anyone have any experiences like mine?


Diana, Princess of Wales, died in Paris Sunday morning, Aug. 31, 1997, after she was injured in a car crash while racing away from pursuing photographers. Also killed were her companion, Dodie Fayed, and driver Henri Paul. Before her death Princess Diana spoke to many psychics and mediums. In this section we question whether the ghost of Princess Diana has spoken:

a ghost shared my bed

I am 76 years old and not subject to fantasy but one night when I was staying at a friends house a strange thing happened. As I lay in bed the figure of a woman, dressed in long mustard coloured robes, floated into my room. She floated by the side of the bed and then lay down beside me! She spoke to me but her words were indistinct I asked her to repeat the words but still couldn't make them out. Then she just faded away. In the morning I asked my friends if anyone had entered my room that night and of course they hadn't. Sometimes I do have very vivid dreams but throughout this experience I was fully awake.

strange voice i heared

ast year, I flew to Texas to see my son, who is in the military, get married. I stayed in a motel the first few days before their marriage. The night before their wedding, I had some anxiety and doubts about whether he should get married to her or not, as there was a few things going on. I was extremely anxious about it and was suffering from panic attacks. I had trouble sleeping that night, but finally fell asleep.

The next morning, I heard a cheery calm voice awakening me that said, "Good Morning!" I looked to see if there was someone at the door or whether it was my son, but there was no one there! I peeped through the peephole and there was no one outside either.

The calmness in this man's voice was so reassuring that it just calmed me right away. They've been married for a year now, and seem to be very happy.

knocking sumone at the door........

t all started just before my mother passing in March of 2009. My dad and I were always familiar with different paranormal phenomena happenings in just about every house we lived in. In particular, what happened was my dad had heard knocks on the front door late at night around midnight or 1 o'clock. My dad continued on his investigations to catch or find out what was going on in our home.

He took our digital camera and went around the house taking pictures of the different rooms. When he got to the top of the steps to our family room downstairs, he caught a child-like figure standing by our couch. It looked like a young girl from the 1860s era. She was skinny and we could make out her bonnet and her female figure. But the house we live in was built between the 1960s and '70s. I'm not for sure, though.

So with my dad's further investigation, we have found out that if something knocks on your door and there is no one or you know for a fact that no one is there, it usually means that a spirit or ghost is knocking to come into your home. If you open that door, you are inviting it in, which is sort of scary to know we may have more than one spirit in our home. In the different homes we have lived in the past six years, we have seen dark fogs coming from closets, voices of children and doors opening by themselves.

old women appearence

This experience is one of the most puzzling and scariest things that happen in my life, way back on childhood days. I was 9 years old at that time, and around 9:30 in the evening, my father (who died last May, 2009) instructed me to buy penicillin for his wound on a local pharmacy four blocks away from our house. I was kind of hesitant to buy since it was early late night and I don't have anyone else to accompany in buying the medicine. My father is a strict, so I don't have an option but follow his command.

I was walking on the way to the pharmacy, nothing happen though since there's a lot of bystanders on the second block and street lights are all up not until third block. I reach the local store, whose main business is selling and buying rice and corn. Unfortunately, the store is closed and the all the trailer trucks and cargo trucks are on the side of the road, of course, parking!

As I was walking beneath the shadows of the truck, I feel eerie and I believe someone is looking at me; however, I just don't mind it since I need to hurry up on the pharmacy, and the store will be closing around 10 p.m. I bought the medicine and hurried to go home. I wanted to go to other road direction because I feel uncomfortable walking in the parked trucks; however, a lot of barking dogs are waiting on the other road. I don't want to run over the dogs, so I decided to take the same road where I was walking earlier.

When I was walking by the truck, I heard some scratches on the other side of the parked truck; I was thinking it might be dog or cat. I just don't mind it. As I was approaching to the last parked truck where there was a minimal light and a mango tree, I feel uneasy and to my surprise I met an old lady in front of me. I thought that it might be a beggar, but as I look at her, her long head hair are rising and her eyes are orange-red in color, she is also floating amid the air! I was shocked to freeze, like candle. All my life I've never seen an old woman floating and looking at me like that. She is approaching at me with her hand ready to touch my elbows; however, a dog came out from the under the tire of the truck and barked on her fiercely. That's the time that I was able to move and run for my life to go home.

Some bystanders on the second block are amazed and shouted at me saying why I was so pale and in a hurry. I just look at them with teary eyes and headed to our gate and knock as loud as I could, I forgot the doorbell to press, since I am very nervous. My father opened the gate and look at me puzzled. He asks me what happen and why I knock the gate very loud and fast. I tell him the whole event and he said that I was just hallucinating since I like to watch horror movies. I protested his opinion because I was there and I was the one who encountered that old lady on the truck. Still he won't believe me. I handed the drug to his hand and go the room and prayed that the old lady won't bother me again. As of the moment nearly 16 years from that incident, I always remember that incident and it always gives me goose bumps.

my experience

This happened in my home in Lubbock, Texas. Every night there seems to be a presence in my home that is indescribable. It seems to be an old lady who walks at night in the home. She never shows her face, but the way she walks is known to be an old elderly woman. Sometimes I can hear her cries at night. Her laughter is as eerie as it gets.

Some of my neighbors have seen my house lights flicker on and off at 3:23 a.m. every night. They also say they see the old woman standing at the front door waving at them, as though she knows they are watching. I did some research of my home. Supposedly in 1998 an old elderly woman was found dead there. Her time of death was at 3:23 a.m. That explains the lights coming on and off every night. To this day, she still roams in our home.