some unnatural things

some unnatural things

Sunday, June 27, 2010


When I was around 13 or 14, we rented a five-bedder house in Australia. I shared a room with my sis. Our room door was directly facing another room door, but no one used that particular room, because the owner had stashed several cupboards in there and we all felt that that room was rather creepy. My sis sleeps in the coffin position (feet pointing towards the room door) and I sleep parallel to her on the other side of the room.

One night, after waking up suddenly from sleep, I rolled over to my right side and looked at my sis. While doing so, something on the ground caught my attention. I looked to the ground next to where my sister was sleeping, and what I saw made my skin crawl. It was a woman wearing a white shirt and a white skirt lying on the ground in the opposite direction as my sis (its head was toward the room door, and its body toward the wall). Thinking it was just a dream, I rubbed my eyes and bobbed my head up to get a closer look. Lo and behold, it was still lying there.

This woman did not have arms or legs, and where the eyes should've been, there were just two very large, sunken black holes that covered almost half her face. The creepiest thing was, she had her head turned in such a position that she was staring directly at me! After this realisation, I froze and wanted to scream, but nothing came out. Stumped out of my wits, I then put my head back down on my pillow gently, gathered my blankets over my head, pretended it wasn't watching me, and stayed in bed shaking like a madman. To be doubly sure, I decided to take a another peek by shifting my blanket little by little. When I saw a corner of her white dress, still lying in the same position, that confirmed it for me.

At this moment, I think I passed out, because the next thing I remember, it was morning. I was eating breakfast that morning when it hit me about my encounter the night before. I dropped my spoon and ran to tell everyone in the house. They then got monks into the house to "cleanse" the room, but nevertheless, neither my sis nor I agreed to venture into that room ever again. So for the next couple of months until we moved out, we all slept in my parents' room. Nine years on, I still don't know what I saw that night. I've heard of people seeing ghosts, but aren't they usually standing, sitting or sliding across, not sleeping on the ground? Anyone have any experiences like mine?

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